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Piano Humidity Control | Soundboard

Wood swells and shrinks according to the relative humidity of the air around it. Seasonal, and even daily, changes in relative humidity effects wood, felt, metal, leather, glue, and piano finishes. The piano soundboard is a component greatly affected by relative humidity because it swells with high relative humidity increasing tension of the strings and shrinks with lower relative humidity relaxing the tension of the strings lowering the pitch of a piano. Pianos are harder to tune if they experience this tension on the soundboard. This tension is also capable of cracking the soundboard. Call ( 2 0 8 ) 9 3 2 - 3 5 4 1 to see if a Piano Life Saver System is right for you.

Control piano humidity to prevent damage to soundboard, tuning pins, pinblock, loose action screws, delaminate pinblock and bridge.


  • Thanks so much for installing my "Dampp-Chaser". The results have been fabulous! My piano now stays in tune, even through the season changes. It not only saved me some money for tunings, but it also has saved me the aggravation of having to listen to out-of-tune unisons and octaves! ~A satisfied Customer~